In this experiment, the goal was to figure out the genotype of the unknown haploid mutants through crossing the haploid cells with known and other unknown haploid cells. In doing this, if the resulting diploid colony failed to complement, that would indicate that the two haploid cells had the same mutation. In addition, if the resulting diploid cells had a color that would highly indicate that the place where the mutation is is an enzyme that digest a red intermediate, such as AIR. By using the coloring of the crosses and different properties of the colony that emerges when grown on different plates, a genotype of the haploid mutants can be guessed.
Looking at the data, it is highly likely that unknown 1 mutant alpha have a mutation at ade2. This is indicated by the diploid cross between unknown alpha 1 and ade 2a. The resulting diploid colony is very similar in property that of ade 2 alpha and ade2a. Because of this, it can be assumed there is a ade2 mutation in unknown alpha 1. The mutation at ade2 would also explain the unknown alpha 1 an ade2a’s diploid colony’s behavior on the MV and MV+adenine plates. In the MV plate the colony was not able to grow since adenine is crucial to the viability of the colony. However it was able to grow on the MV+adenine plate because the only mutation that the cross had was at that specific gene, and as soon as the product of the pathway was supplied to the colony it was able to grow.
In addition to unknown alpha 1, unknown alpha 2 also seems to have a mutation in ade2. This is due to the visible color difference in the cross between unknown alpha 2 and ade2a. However, there is also a difference between this diploid cross and cross between ade2 alpha and ade2a. This is perhaps due to other mutations that unknown alpha 2 have acquired through the UV treatment. If for example another enzyme developed a gain of function mutation that digested AIR, that would explain the pinkish color of the diploid colony, and if the pathway crosses with the adenine pathway again, it would explain why the colony grew well on the MV plate.
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