3d Fluorescence imaging is accomplished similar to how flow cytometry works. Both of them rely on tags that have fluorescence attached to them, are used most often in molecular biology in order to determine what enzyme is interacting with which ligand. The two things that are being looked at are both tagged in different colors. The tags are then scanned for with a laser to produce the raw data. The data is then processed so that the information can be processed. This is accomplished by establishing how close the two tags are. It is assumed that if the tag that has the molecules attached are close to each other, then it would make sense that the two are interacting in a chemical way. However, this would depend heavily on the quality of the imaging because the precision of the data is wholly reliant on the quality of the image. In addition, this also has a problem of never actually proving that they are interacting. They can appear to interact but never actually interact. In addition, the coefficient that is obtained from the result is heavily dependent on which one it is based on. For example, if there were a large amount of the ligand, and small of the receptor, the coefficient of ligand to receptor would be much smaller compared to receptor to ligand. The positive of the technique is that it is relatively cost-efficient, and provide quantitative data from the image. However, this technique is als extremely labor-intensive and can only work well in a few experiments.
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