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Draft 18

Submitted by dfmiller on Thu, 10/10/2019 - 21:16

(Work in progress paragraph from METHODS project)

Between the two pictures, the most evident difference is that these figures are describing two separate trees, located in completely separate areas. The order of the photos is different: all three photos (close, medium, far) are located in different quadrants in both figures. The map, however, is located in the correct quadrant in the replication. Secondly, the aspect ratio of the two figures is quite different. While the second figure was consistent in making a starting template of 1600x1200 pixels in the photo editor, they captured their images-presumably from a cellphone-in a portrait orientation. The result is unused space to both sides of the central figure. Also, a much thinner, longer arrow was used when pointing out information in the replicated figure. In terms of other graphical additions to the figure, the text in the top left of each image is of a different color, order, size, and font than the ones originally used. 
