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Submitted by kheredia on Wed, 10/09/2019 - 17:32

The future holds a world of excitable possibilities. With increasing technological advances, life is seemingly getting easier and people have much more time on their hands. At the forefront of technology, artificial intelligence or AI is rapidly gaining attention. AI is a machine or system that carries out tasks that if a human were to be doing that same task, the general public would view that person as intelligent. This branch of technology can have huge implications, such that in simply stating the definition, one can see how impactful it will be. However, there is a great deal of skepticism surrounding these systems, and rightfully so. Many have sighted ethical questions that must be answered before going forward with research into this fiel.  Moreover, respected individuals in the field have forewarned that one must carefully monitor the advances in this technology to prevent this system from escaping human control.

Imagine a world where AI is just part of everyone’s life. It has found a home in every sector and humans can no longer escape it. Let’s say that an AI entity decision is based on a plethora of learning algorithms, but unfortunately it has caused the death of humans. Who is at fault, the programmer or the AI? As AI begins to evolve and separate from human command, it is not far from reason to have them be responsible for their actions. In the same token, if the programmer never programmed this AI system, the deaths of humans would never have occurred. This specific question is asked frequently as the world of technology is left perplexed, unsure of what the correct answer may be
