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Diabetes in relation to dwarfism

Submitted by kheredia on Tue, 10/01/2019 - 12:49

When learning about wheat and rice dwarfism in class, i found some things to be similar in organization with type 1 and 2 diabetes. wheat dwarfism mimics type 2 diabetes while rice dwarfism mimics type 1 in the factors that are lost or changed. 

in wheat dwarfism, gibberellin, the protein that sends an inhibitor Rht to the proteosome, is no longer working. Rht becomes resistant, and does not get inhibited and plants stay short. There is no loss in the proteins involved in this pathway, but the gibberellin is no longer useful. Even if we were to stimulate gibberelin production in excess, it would do nothing to stop dwarfism. This reminded me of type 2 diabetes, where we still have sensors and effectors (pancreatic b cells), but we become insulin resistant. Simply injecting insulin into our blood will not solve anything because the insulin will not signal glucose transporters to bring glucose back into the cell. Insulin and gibberelin have the same issues in this case. 

In rice dwarfism, gibberelin is no longer existant but if we add gibberelin, it will stop the inhibitor. This is similar to type 1 diabetes. Although in type 1 diabetes, pancreatic b cells do not work, if we inject insulin in our blood, it will be able to bind and lower our blood glucose. Insulin and gibberelin are the same in this case as well.
