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figure 3

Submitted by ziweiwang on Fri, 09/27/2019 - 15:00

One of the major catergory of difference that makes the photos look different or simmilar is what is in the picture. In the example given for example, the things that the most different is the weather one of the picture is clearly taken at a sunny day and the other is taken at a cloudy windy day. Another thing that is noticable is that one of the picture has people in it and the other does not. Another thing that is diffferent and would cuase the photos to be quite different is perspective. The place where the picture was taken is slightly different and the angle that it is taken from, again is slightly different. Becaus of thsese slight differences, it can be seen that one of the picture includes the library, others don't. In one picture the tree is closer compared to the other photograph.Another catergory of difference is how  the picture is organized. One of the figure has large borders, and the other does not. One has  large clear lettering and the other does not. One have black arrows and the other have blue arrow that is relatively hard to see against the blue background. The last catergory of difference is much less noticable, is the quality of the picture. some of the puicutres are more grainier than the other.


The inference for the first type is that the picture was taken by different people at different time, the secound type is due to the fact that the agle that the camera is being held is different. the third catergory is due to difference in how the picture are formatted and the forth type is due to the fact that they used a differnet camera.

