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Pumpkin (Draft 6/6)

Submitted by kheredia on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 12:01

Fortunately, there are quite a few specimens around the apartment to observe. As mentioned in the previous draft, there are cows in the distance, several species of insects, and a neighborhood horse. One that was failed to mention is the household rabbit, Pumpkin. The name is derrived from her orange-brown fur coat. She is standard sized in terms of height and general characteristics, though there is one clear distinction that separates her from the norm: She is well overfed and weighs more than the typical rabbit. However, her rotund appearance could be exaggerated from the combination of a well-balanced diet and a change in her coat.  Her fur may have begun to thicken as a response to the recent drop in temperature. 

In terms of behavior, she clearly demonstrates signs of conditioning. When placed on the hardwood floor to test her mobility, she does not move. In the apartment she was raised in, hardwood flooring was nonexistent. Therefore, she became only familiar with carpet. In this new apartment, she will only freely move about when carpet is nearby or underneath her paws. This behavior can be changed by increasing her exposure with hardwood floor and training her to become more habituated to the new scenario. 
