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yeast lab write up part 4

Submitted by ziweiwang on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 22:52

In the cross between the unknown mutants, there was not a specific expectation as to what the result of the cross would be. However, I expected that there would be at least one cross that would result in a mutant diploid colony, assuming that the reason for the red color resulted from the intermediate AIR. However, against expectations, none of the diploid crosses between the unknowns resulted in a visible mutant cell in the YED plate, as shown in figure 1 and table 1. In the replica to MV plate, all of the white diploid colonies were expected to grow well on the MV plate, and this was shown in the MV plate as shown in figure 2 and table 2. In the replica of MV+adenine plate it was expected that all of the diploid colonies would grow well and the result would be expected as shown in figure 3, table 3. 

In the crosses between the known mutants, the expectation of the mutants and their crosses was that ade1alpha, ade2alpha, ade1a, ade1ax ade1alpha, ade1a xade2alpha,and ade2a x ade1alpha would be white or cream colored on the YED plate while ade2a and ade2alpha x ade2a would be red. The result of the YED plate was as expected as shown in figure 1, table 1. In the MV plate, the  expectation from previous experiment was that all of the known haploid mutants and ade1a x ade 1alpha and ade2a and ade2 alpha would not grow well while ade1ax ade 2 alpha ande ade2a and ade1alpha would grow well, and the result was as expected as shown in figure 2 and table 2. 

In general, most of the results from the cross between the different unknown mutants were unexpected, with very few colonies behaving as predicted. One major difference between the expectation and the result is in the MV plate where there was more colonies growing than I expected.  However, all of the control crosses behaved exactly the same as in previous experiments.

