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Why We Used Mann Whitney

Submitted by kheredia on Thu, 12/05/2019 - 16:31

It was imperative to Include the Mann Whitney U-test to justify the evidence despite minor errors. From the data collected, the higher U value calculated using the rankings in table 3 resulted in the rejection of the null hypothesis, verifying that a relationship exists between light variance and mating behavior in Acheta d., and that light is the factor controlling the decrease in frequency. Without the support of using this statistical measure, there would be no means of validating the data as parametric or nonparametric (Jakob et al., 2014). There were 3 possible errors during the experiment. Nevertheless, they did not significantly impact the major findings from the statistical analysis. It was impossible for the dark environment to be completely absent of light, and thus the minimal lighting could have interrupted courting in Acheta d. which in may have weakened the concentration gradient between behavioral displays in the light and dark environment. The experiment was also conducted in a short time frame, and therefore limited the data. Long term studies allow for repeated measurements and are a more powerful method of advancing theory (Kuebbing et al,. 2018), so the allotted time frame in this experiment was not ideal. A third issue in this experiment was the reduction of predetermined sample size, due to high demand for crickets in other lab groups.
