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Time management

Submitted by kheredia on Thu, 10/03/2019 - 12:59

It is difficult to plan around assignments and work when two factors come into play: unforeseen events and lack of motivation. The lack of motivation makes it hard to commit to completing an assignment. Unforeseen events such as illness, stress, oversleeping, etc. could make you lose minutes to hours of a day where you had planned to do homework instead. Being sick last week made me fall behind in a few classes because I had to skip classes and rest in order for my cold to pass. Stress from things happening at home and around me at school fog my mind and leave me feeling stuck. With all of these events happening every day, keeping track of the things I have to do or need to do becomes like a maze with no outlet. The work piles up and I end up cramming everything in one day while still being behind at the end of it. 
