T cells are synthesized in the red bone marrow of the body. When a T cell receptor is created, it has the potential to differentiate into a helper T cell or a Cytotoxic T cell. Helper T cells help carry out interactions involving pathogens and cytotoxic T cells kill the pathogens. If the T cell receptor becomes a cytotoxic T cell, it will carry a CD8 protein which recognizes class I MHC cells. Once the T cell divides to become cytotoxic T cells , they run around in the periphery and kill our own abnormal cells. If the T cell differentiates to become a Helper T, they will carry CD4 proteins and recognize class II MHC's. Upon activation they divide and produce memory cells. They also regulate and coordinate an immune response. In addition, the T-helper cell activates / turns on the B cell. B cell divides and as a result we get lots of other cells. Plasma cells that secrete antibodies. T cell helps turn on the B cell which helps make antibodies and memory cells.
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