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spider families

Submitted by imadjidov on Fri, 12/06/2019 - 23:13

All spider families for which data exist have movable principal eyes. However, the size and motility of the principal eyes vary greatly. Jumping spiders can move their retinas in all directions, whereas other families are capable only of very small lateral movements. In addition, the amount of overlap in the field of view between the principal and secondary eyes varies across families. Small principal eyes with a wide range of motion, such as in jumping spiders, depend on information gathered by the secondary eyes to be directed to a target. I predict that these families will invest more in visual pathway neuropils and in the number of optical glomeruli. In families with larger principal eye retinas with wider fields of view and less motility, information from the secondary eyes may be less important. This may lead to less investment in visual pathway neuropils and a decrease in the number of optical glomeruli.                      
