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PP BioImaging

Submitted by rmmcdonald on Fri, 10/04/2019 - 10:22

The title of the poster my lab partner and I created was, "Qualifying the Effect of Microscope Properties and Techniques". In a series of experiments we learned how to properly use a research quality light microscope. The experments were geared towards the technical ascepts of the microscope. This involoves the use of filters, shutters, and adjsuting numerical aperature when capturing images. There were also a variety of methods we practiced in order to capture a high quality image. These methods included setting up Kohler illumination, use of fluoroescent microscopy, and properly using an oil immersion lense. All these various experiments came together to encapsultate our main objective of qualifying the effect of microscope properties and techniques in order to create a high quality image.



I would look for a couple of gramatical errors in the paragraph. I would change a few grammatical aspects of the paragraph. Examples being, "In a series of experiements, we" and "use of: filers, shutters."Overall, good paragraph. 

"...towards the technical aspects of the microscope."