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Perfect Paragraph 6

Submitted by dfmiller on Tue, 10/22/2019 - 16:53

Nicotine has a largely negative health connotation due to its prevalence in cigarettes and vaporizer products. Nicotene itself was not considered to be the most dangerous ingredient in these products. The chemical and flavorings in vaporizers as well as the tar created from combustion in cigarettes are considered the most toxic to human health. However, Duncan Et Al. have demonstrated that nicotine consumption in rodents results in diabetes-like symptoms, including failure to regulate blood glucose levels1. This discovery comes at a time of social panic over nicotine-based products, vaporizers in particular, and is sure to impact future conversations.

(1) Duncan A, Heyer MP, Ishikawa M, Caligiuri SPB, Liu X-an, Chen Z, Di Bonaventura MVittoria M, Elayouby KS, Ables JL, Howe WM, et al. Habenular TCF7L2 links nicotine addiction to diabetes. Nature [Internet]. 2019 ;574(7778):372 - 377. Available from:



I like the paragraph but perhaps include all the new laws going around banned nictotine products to tie into the current problems being faced

This s a good subject to speak about, but you need to specify who duncan et al are before speaking about them!

"Nicotene" should be "nicotine" in the second sentence. Also, perhaps explaining what a "vaporizer" is might be beneficial to understanding the paragraph.