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Outline of Catagories in Figure 30 Differences

Submitted by nskinner on Fri, 09/27/2019 - 14:39

Center of Flowers:

  • The center of the flowers in the figures differ. In the original (a) the center of the flower is bigger than the non-original (a).
  • In the original figure (b) the center of the flower is more conal shaped and larger than that of the non-original (b).
  • In the original figure (c), the center is larger and pointing to the right corner of the photo. The non-original figure (c) has a smaller, more pointed center pointing to the top left corner of the photo.
  • Figure (d) in the original is only two flower centers without petals but the non-original figure (d) has several flower heads with cones and petals.

Photo Clarity:

  • The original set of photos has better clarity than the second set.

The Ruler

  • In both sets of photos, the ruler is the same and only present in the figure (b). In the original, the ruler is coming from the bottom right corner of the phot and about 2 inches of the ruler is shown extending into the center of the photo. In the non-original photo, the ruler comes from the middle of the bottom of the photo and still shows about 2 inches but it reaches all the way to the right side of the photo.
  • The mom-original photo figure (b) also seems to have a more close up angle of the ruler.


  • The petals in the original photos differ from the non-original photos. In the originals, the petals in some of the photos are pointed downward whereas the non-original photos have petals that are more radial and ray-like making a circle out of the flower head rather than a cone shape.
