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Methods Draft 1 part 2

Submitted by semans on Thu, 09/12/2019 - 08:47

Using a laptop, a folder called “Figure” was created on the desktop. The “Detailed Campus Map” PDF was downloaded from and saved to the “Figure” folder as “campus_map”. The “campus_map” PDF was uploaded to where the legend page was deleted and the map page re-downloaded. The map page was saved to the “Figure” folder under the name “campus_map”. A copy of the map file was made and named “sylvan_map”. The “sylvan_map” file was uploaded to and cropped such that the “Sylvan Residential Area” text appeared in the centre. Additionally, the cropped image’s margin included: the grey area below the “Sylvan Residential Area” text; the part of Eastman Lane leading past North Apartments A & B and up to the Sylvan area; most of North A and some of North B; parking lot 44 to the right of the Sylvan area; and both parking lots numbered 47 next to Cashin and behind MacNamara. The file was then saved to the “Figure” folder as “sylvan_map_resize”. Both the “campus_map” file and “sylvan_map_resize” file were converted to PNG format at, redownloaded, and saved to the “Figure” folder. The close-up and contextual pictures were downloaded from email and saved to the “Figure” folder as “close-up” and “contextual”, respectively.
