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Introduction Part 2.

Submitted by nkantorovich on Wed, 11/13/2019 - 19:47

The amount of sun exposure varies between areas of high elevation and low elevation; in addition to flat areas. Using basal area and density as a measure of above ground biomass is important to ecology in predicting different types of plant growth and development within a variety of ecosystems (Chuang, et al. 2019). In general, south-facing slopes have a higher sun exposure than north-facing slopes; leading to a shorter growing season for north-facing slopes and a longer growing season for south-facing slopes (Whiting et al, 2003). The biomass of certain species is determined by a variety of abiotic and biotic factors, specifically solar radiation, and soil nutrients on a slope (Chuang, et al. 2019).Biomass and density of plants is also directly affected by the topography of the landscape that they are planted on. A study conducted on the effects of topography and landforms on the understory of a pine forest in subtropical China concluded that topography and soil properties contributed to 60 percent of the variations in the understory biomass (Xiaodong et al, 2019).
