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Submitted by asalamon on Thu, 09/19/2019 - 17:41


Bilirubin is a by-product of red blood cell breakdown.  When red blood cells break down, bilirubin is in the unconjugated form.  Bilirubin can only be removed from the body in its conjugated from which requires its breakdown by the liver.  In utero, the fetus’s red blood cells break down and is filtered through the placenta.  From there, the mother breaks down the bilirubin into the expendable form in their liver and its rid of waste.  When a baby is born, it is disconnected from the mother and its liver is not fully functional so it cannot breakdown the bilirubin themselves.  If levels of bilirubin are too high, the baby can be diagnosed with hyperbilirubin which appears are jaundice in the baby.  Babies exhibiting too much jaundice are placed under lights.  Why is hyperbilirubin so prevalent in babies? Bilirubin is antioxidant and could help prevent any damage that could occur to the DNA during fetal development.  This condition is prevalent in other species closely connected to humans as well.  If it did not benefit the fitness of the child, then natural section should have weeded it out.
