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Harappan Civ 2

Submitted by mpetracchi on Wed, 11/06/2019 - 01:40

The occupations people held determined their standing in society. Archaeologists uncovered only a few seals, which indicate it is likely that they were used by individuals or communities with considerable power, such as landowners, merchants, and religious leaders (Kenoyer). If everyone in the society were equal, then many seals would have been found because everyone would have the opportunity to have one, yet this is not the case. Instead, a select few were discovered. This implies a small group of people interacted with these items and possibly received more economic gains than others in society. Reports on early Harappan settlers say they, “seem to have exploited the rich agricultural and grazing lands along the Ravi River to sustain themselves as they built economic and political power through craft production and trade” (Kenoyer). A system of trade, or economy, is a capitalistic idea and capitalism encourages the summation of wealth, usually by individuals. Some initial settlers must have made good livings off trading goods while others not so much. Over time, as these settlers became the Harappan people we know today, it is possible wealth disparities increased amongst the population. Again, if there are disparities in wealth, there are disparities in social class and therefore a social hierarchy is present.
