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Draft #22

Submitted by ashorey on Sat, 10/12/2019 - 02:09

Paper is obsolete. This has yet to be completely accepted as a truth, but it is indeed a whole and total truth. For anything that uses or requires paper as a means of containing information and data, it is not longer needed. Paper is used for so much, from books to tests to paperwork to reciepts. While many low level corporations and small, simple organizations use paper more often because the number of sheets is not unmanagable fr storage and keeping track of, the fact remains the paper has hugely negative affects on the environment because of production. Logging has destroyed millions of acres of land and few of those are ever considered for restoration or rehabilitation after logging. After getting the wood, the process of forming paper has large amounts of waste and emissions, although the emission sare mostly steam. Besides those factors, the cost of paper alone in camparison to the cost of data storage platforms and hardwares that exist are much smaller, especially when storage is easily accessible across laptops, computers, platforms, and locations, for example google drive, drop box, and microsoft team. Paper being used as a "formality" or "necessary hard copy" is simply an out-of-date way of thinking and modern technology has easily bypassed the abilities of paper in ever possible use. 
