People in the scientific field hold different levels of knowledge. It is true that in order to gain extreme knowledge in a single subject, time is the only real factor that can allow and determine the amount of things you know. Knowledge takes dedication to time and subject, and also it requires interest. No one will ever know the most about something they hate the most. And so when one is invested in a subject or field of interest, their time and efoort will be precisely focussed on that subject, providing them with the ability to gain master os the topics in the field of study. Everyone however understands the limits to the possibilities of gaining expertise in a single field: time available and opportunity for education. At younger ages, you require more basic levels of education and can only achieve higher more specific and in depth knowledge after rising in the tiers of academia. You will know more in college than in high school, and more in graduate school than in undergrad, etc. Age is therefore often linked with wisdom. The older you are, the more deeply you know about your interests and the greater level of mastery you have over the subjects. This is the traditional way of ageism against the younger generations though because the older generations put down the youth for lack of knowledge and understanding due to their age and lack of experience in the world. This is very inaccurate however because age does not determine intelligence and younger people can achieve a high level of specific knowledge if they study highly specific topics. This causes a problem for older generations who mastered their field decades ago and let their knowledge plateau and stopped seaking to self-improve. The younger generation plows past them learning the newest theories and discoveries, sometimes culminating in a more education younger generation that older generations do not accept.
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