Figure 2 contains two sets of three images. There are a few minor differeences between the two figures. Image A differs in the distance the photo was taken, the boundaries of the image, and size of the image. Image B differs in the size of the image, the boundaries of the image, and the zoom of the image. Image C differs in the boundaries of the image, the zoom of the image. Images B and C on the right include the arrows from google maps, while images B and C on the left do not. The figure differs overall in the labels used, and the sizing of the images to fit the figure. The figure on the left uses red capitalized letters to label the different imges, the figure on the right uses lowercase black letters with a white box underneath to label the images. Figure A on the left is shorter compared to figure A on the right; figure B and C on the left are taller than figures B and C on the right.
These differentces are most likely caused by the methods section. The methods most likely did not describe how far from the tree the photos were taken, or the boundaries seen in the images. The methods also most likely did not include the sizing of the images used in the figure. Figure A on the right is brighter than figure a on the left, which could be cuased by taking the picutres at a different time of day.
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