The original set of photos has better image quality. The second set has some blurry photos. The flower in the orignal figure (a) has a larger center than the flower in the non-orginal figure (a) photo. The orginal panel figure (b) has a flower that has a larger center then the non-orignal panel b flower and it is taken at a different angle. The petals in the orignal photo of the photo labeled (b) has petals that are moving downward whereas the non-orignal figure b photo has petals that are more radial and sticking out making the whole top of the flower more circular rather than cone shaped. The photo looks like it was taken up closer than the original as well since the ruler looks bigger in the second photo than the original. The ruler is the same ruler it appears. The original figure (c) has the flower cone pointed towards the top right corner of the flower and the second photo has the flower pointing to the top left. The figure (d) in the original has almost no petals present in the photo. It looks like they all died back. The non-orignal photo has several flower heads that all have petals on them in the photo. Overall, at first glance they do all look similar but these difference set apart the orginal photos from the non-orginals.
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