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conclusion and the impact of the study

Submitted by ziweiwang on Thu, 11/14/2019 - 20:57

The conclusion of the experiment is that the loss of photoreceptors changed the number and morphology of the glial cells such as astrocytes and Muller cells. The change in the number and morphology of the glial cells affected the retina and as a result, may be an important part of the disease which was previously only thought to affect cone cells. 

    This research shows that the disease in the photoreceptor cells also affect the cells that are around those cells, and as a result, there is a need to take into account for future research for cures and treatment that there is a need to also look at the cells around the main cells that are affected so that the normal quantity  and the morphology of the cells can be restored. In addition, one of the problems that were in the study is that the study was done on transgenic mice, where the gene with the mutation was inserted into the gene, causing it to have three copies of the gene. a more accurate way of making the model would be to make that mutation directly in the genome without increasing the gene number.

