Potential broad categories could be presentation, and content.
Presentation includes details such as how the images are cropped, how they are oriented, lighting differences between the images, quality of the images, where and how markings such as arrows and labels are placed on the images.
Content includes details such as whether or not the images between the methods are the same and use the same object for comparison, how much of the plant is seen or cut off in each picture, the angle the pictures are taken from, the tools used for measurement included in the image for scale, and background seen in the pictures.
The lighting is different for each picture and the angles the plants are viewed from in image A are different. In image B, the measurements are taken from two different position on the leaf, one from the middle of the leaf (the left method) the other with the ruler along the side the leaf (the right method.) The leaves pictured in image B are not the same leaf. The leaves used in images C and D are not the same between the two methods. Image C has drastically different leaves in term of surface pattern. Image D has very similar leaves used but the location of phytophagy as labeled by the yellow arrows are very different. In the left method the arrow points to an area very close to the leaf margin, the right method has the arrow pointing close to the main vein on the opposite side of the leaf. Images C and D are taken close to the leaf in the left method, and noticeably farther away in the right method.
Lighting and color of the images helped me make an inference on the time of day and weather for each method. This could also be due to a difference in camera. The lighting in the left method is much more white, and noticably less intense than in the method on the right. The method on the right shows very intense golden light, usually indicative of mid afternoon and earl evening where the sun has started towards setting. This leads me to believe that the pictures were taken at two different times. Despite the difference in light intensity, I infer that the images were both taken during sunny weather with clear skies, and shadows present on the leaves were a result of leaves around them and not from clouds.
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