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bird banding

Submitted by rbudnick on Wed, 09/25/2019 - 23:06

Bird banding is a process which birds are caught, processed, and recieve a band around their leg. The band has identification numbers on it which can be used to track the exact bird when it is recaptured or found dead. Birds are caught in a fine net called a mistnet, specifically designed for catching birds and bats. The bird flies into the net not seeing it's there, and tumbles down into a pouch like protrusion at the bottom of the net where they can be picked up out of easily. The bird is often evaluated and processed, taking measurements, checking for disease, or recording the number on the band if the bird already has one. Once these tasks are complete, the bird is released back into the same area it was caught in. This identification system is used across the world for a variety of reasons. Banding and tracking allows scientists to study not only the birds themselves, but their effect on the world around them. For example the spread of disease by birds can be tracked through the use of these bands. Dispersal of plants through seeds that the birds eat can be followed and mapped based on where they have been tagged. 
