Genetics need variation to study the function of gene products. Because “mutations are very rare events,” UV-radiation will be used to speed up “induced mutations in [yeast]” (Loomis 2019). Yeasts are great experimental organisms because they are eukaryotic and versatile (smaller genome, reproduce both sexually and asexually). Yeast comprises of two mating types, a-type yeast, and α-type yeast. Each yeast strain can self-reproduce as haploids through the process of budding (mitosis). When in the presence of each other, the a-type yeast can release a-factor pheromones that α-type yeast responds to, while α-type yeast can release α-factor pheromones that a-type yeast responds to. The two yeast strains grow out towards each other in response to these pheromones, forming a structure called a shmoo. A MATa/α diploid results from a matured shmoo (also known as conjugation). This diploid can also self-reproduce through budding (mitosis), and can also undergo meiosis when its environment is nitrogen-deprived. During meiosis of a MATa/α diploid, sporulation and crossing-over occurs, resulting in two a and two α ascospores (four total ascospores).
First sentence
I think that "Genetics need variation to study the function of gene products." doesn't provide license for the remainder of the paragraph. Perhaps come up with a more broad-reaching topic sentence.
You chose a very interesting topic to write about. I just noticed a grammar/spelling issue in the second sentence, you wrote "Yeasts are great" when I think you meant "yeast are great".
Consider cutting down on the amount of parentheses used. You used three sets, and I think it might be distracting when you could have just written it out normally in a different way.