SPSS output


SPSS Output 1: Male linear selection gradients (from multiple linear regression)

SPSS Output 2: Female linear selection gradients (from multiple linear regression)




Multiple Logistic Regression for Males

Total number of cases: 87 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 87

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 87

Number rejected because of missing data: 0

Number of cases included in the analysis: 87



Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

.00 0

1.71 1



Dependent Variable.. RELFITN relative fitness

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 118.00843

* Constant is included in the model.


Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number










Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than .01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 65.432

Goodness of Fit 64.669

Cox & Snell - R^2 .454

Nagelkerke - R^2 .611

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 52.577 9 .0000

Block 52.577 9 .0000

Step 52.577 9 .0000

Classification Table for RELFITN

The Cut Value is .50


.00 1.71 Percent Correct

1 I 2

Observed +-------+-------+

.00 1 I 26 I 10 I 72.22%


1.71 2 I 8 I 43 I 84.31%


Overall 79.31%



---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

LNLEN -121.508 31.4040 14.9707 1 .0001 -.3315 .0000

LNEXT 23.9620 31.7505 .5696 1 .4504 .0000 2.550E+10

LNCBRTWT -67.4379 25.9017 6.7788 1 .0092 -.2012 .0000

LNHEAD 17.4697 19.1313 .8338 1 .3612 .0000 38635082

LNHUMER 23.3579 24.7035 .8940 1 .3444 .0000 1.394E+10

LNFEMUR 18.5441 25.7978 .5167 1 .4722 .0000 113131248

LNTIBIO -3.1706 16.4708 .0371 1 .8474 .0000 .0420

LNSKULL 18.0801 16.4901 1.2021 1 .2729 .0000 71134077

LNSTERN 19.8307 10.4105 3.6285 1 .0568 .1175 409611415

Constant 524.5375 203.9017 6.6178 1 .0101

1 new variables have been created.

Name Contents

PRE_1 Predicted Value



Multiple Logistic regression for females_


Total number of cases: 49 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 49

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 49

Number rejected because of missing data: 0

Number of cases included in the analysis: 49



Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

.00 0

2.33 1



Dependent Variable.. RELFITN relative fitness

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 66.924994

* Constant is included in the model.


Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number










Estimation terminated at iteration number 4 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than .01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 55.485

Goodness of Fit 47.268

Cox & Snell - R^2 .208

Nagelkerke - R^2 .280

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 11.440 9 .2467

Block 11.440 9 .2467

Step 11.440 9 .2467

Classification Table for RELFITN

The Cut Value is .50


.00 2.33 Percent Correct

1 I 2

Observed +-------+-------+

.00 1 I 21 I 7 I 75.00%


2.33 2 I 7 I 14 I 66.67%


Overall 71.43%



---------------------- Variables in the Equation -----------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R Exp(B)

LNLEN -20.4115 24.9469 .6694 1 .4132 .0000 .0000

LNEXT -19.0459 29.7772 .4091 1 .5224 .0000 .0000

LNCBRTWT -62.6328 29.5997 4.4774 1 .0343 -.1924 .0000

LNHEAD 7.2090 27.6665 .0679 1 .7944 .0000 1351.5478

LNHUMER 24.2841 24.1747 1.0091 1 .3151 .0000 3.519E+10

LNFEMUR -11.5560 21.3205 .2938 1 .5878 .0000 .0000

LNTIBIO 26.1397 20.1948 1.6754 1 .1955 .0000 2.251E+11

LNSKULL -1.7833 19.1566 .0087 1 .9258 .0000 .1681

LNSTERN 8.6216 10.8693 .6292 1 .4277 .0000 5550.3983

Constant 251.0660 168.0229 2.2327 1 .1351

1 new variables have been created.

Name Contents

PRE_2 Predicted Value