2 citations found

J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol 23 (3): 419-426 (1991)

Morphogenesis of the secondary envelope of the oocyte in a teleostean fish of the family Cyprinodontidae: Aphyosemion splendopleure.

Thiaw OT, Mattei X

Departement de Biologie Animale, Faculte des Sciences, Universite Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal.

The follicular epithelium of the oocyte in Aphyosemion splendopleure is made up of prismatic cells in which the density of the cytoplasm is variable. At the end of vitellogenesis the follicular cells show polarity. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is localized in the cytoplasm situated between the nucleus and the basal lamina. This reticulum splits up into vesicles limited by a membrane covered with ribosomes. At the beginning of postvitellogenesis the Golgi apparatus produces numerous secretion granules in the cytoplasmic region contiguous to the surface of the oocyte. These Golgi elements, together with amorphous material whose origin we have not been able to define, form the secondary envelope of the egg. This envelope is made up of two layers: an inner layer formed by an agglomeration with a membranous aspect and a superficial layer made up of tubular elements. The superficial layer forms an ornamentation clearly shown up by scanning electron microscopy. 

Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol 75 (10): 54-62 (1978)

Structure of the follicular epithelium of the gonads Neva lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (classification of the follicular epithelia of vertebrates)

Gabaeva NS, Mihailova OP, Markova LG

During its fluvial life, the ovarian follicular epithelium of Lampetra fluviatilis undergoes polarity formation--in the animal hemisphere the follicular epithelium is flattened, in the vegetative--it undergoes a secretory specialization: as the secrete is accumulating, the follicular cells increase in volume and height, acquiring a cubical form. In connection with monotonous or differentiating morpho-physiological alterations of follicular epithelium within a single follicle during the period of rapid oocytic growth, it is suggested to widen the idea on kinds of its secondary transformation in the vertebrates. It is suggested to differ: 1) common secondary transformation, when secondary flattening (for example, in birds) or secondary specialization (for example, in fish demersal roe) embraces the whole epithelium of the follicle. In case of common secretory specialization, it can be a) isomorphous--at identical convertion of the epithelium in the whole follicle (for example, in sheatfish), b) dimorphous--when there is a certain difference in the character and degree of secretory specialization of the follicular epithelium in various follicular areas (for example in Myxine glutinosa); 2) unipolar secondary transformation when the follicular epithelium undergoes secondary flattening or secretory specialization only in the area adjacent to one of the oocyte poles (for example, in Lametra fluviatilis and Blennis follis). Follicular epithelium of the lamprey testis, unlike in other Anamnia, does not form spermatocysts; implantation of spermatids and spermia into cytoplasm of the follicular cells is not observed. Thus, histological structure of Cyclostomata testis is at a lower stage of development than in other Anamnia.