Bio 580, Developmental Biology. Wednesday,
April 25, 1997
Gametogenesis: Female (continued)
4. Other donations to the developing oocyte of interest
a. Ribosomes
Nurse cells, follicle cells.
- massive
- rDNA amplification
- widespread in animal kingdom.
- dumping of cytoplasm by accessory germ cells or somatic cells.
- nurse cells (some insects)
- follicle cells (vertebrates?)
b. Calmodulin
Sea urchin
African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis
Cockroach, Blattella germanica
1) Structure and function
2) Role in early germ cells?
c. Yolk protein (vitellin or lipovitellin) (Vitellogenesis)
sources of vitellin
Hormonal regulation:
Vertebrates: Estrogens acting on a mature liver.
amphibians- thyroxin, prolactin acting on the tadpole liver.
hormone competency
primary response
secondary response
Estrogen binding proteins
Vg-gene induction of transcription
Vg-mRNA stabilization by estrogen
Arthropods: Juvenile Hormone (JH) and ecdysone
- alternation of vitellogenesis and molting
Liver/fat body:
Vg-mRNA -> pre-pro-Vg -> CHO, PO4, lipid addition
-> cleavage, dimerization ->secretion
serum -> pinocytotic
vesicle ->
yolk granule
Uptake and storage as yolk:
-> adsobtive endocytosis
-> vitellin, (lipovitellin-phosvitin)
Cycloraphoran Diptera i.e. Drosophila
Yolk Proteins
Evolutionary relationship to
Polarity of oocytes during the oogenic/vitellogenic process: